Carey, D.E., Yang, Y., McNamara, P.J., Mayer, B.K.
Recovery of agricultural nutrients from biorefineries. Bioresource Tech. In Press, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2016.02.093.
Heffron, J., Mayer, B.K.
Virus mitigation by coagulation: recent discoveries and future directions. Environ. Sci.: Water Research Technol. In Press.
Mayer, B.K., Yang, Y., Gerrity, D.W., Abbaszadegan, M.
The impact of capsid proteins on virus removal and inactivation during water treatment processes. Microbiol. Insights. 8(Suppl 2):15-28
Williams, A.T., Zitomer, D.H., Mayer, B.K.
Ion exchange-precipitation for nutrient recovery from dilute wastewaters. Env. Sci.: Water Res. Technol. 1:832-838
Mayer, B.K., Daugherty, E., Abbaszadegan, M.
Evaluation of the relationship between bulk organic precursors and disinfection byproduct formation for advanced oxidation processes. Chemosphere. 121:39-46.
Mayer, B.K., Daugherty, E., Abbaszadegan, M.
Disinfection byproduct formation resulting from settled, filtered, and finished water treated by titanium dioxide photocatalysis. Chemosphere. 117:72-78.
Mayer, B.K., Gerrity, D., Rittmann, B.E., Reisinger, D., Brandt-Williams, S.
Innovative strategies to achieve low total phosphorus concentrations in high water flows. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Tech. 43:4:409-441.
Rittmann, B.E., Mayer, B.K., Westerhoff, P., Edwards, M.
Capturing the lost phosphorus. Chemosphere.84:846-853.
Mayer, B.K., Ryu, H., Gerrity, D., Abbaszadegan, M.
Development of an integrated cell culture-qRTPCR assay for simultaneous quantification of coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and polioviruses in disinfection studies. Water Sci. Technol. 6:2:375-387.
Ryu, H., Mayer, B.K., Abbaszadegan, M .
Applicability of quantitative PCR for determination of removal efficacy of enteric viruses and Cryptosporidium by water treatment processes. J. Water Health. 8:1:101-108.
Gerrity, D., Mayer, B.K., Ryu, H., Crittenden, J., Abbaszadegan, M.
A comparison of pilot-scale photocatalysis and enhanced coagulation for disinfection byproduct mitigation. Water Res. 43:6:1597-1610.
Mayer, B.K., Ryu, H., Abbaszadegan, M.
Treatability of USEPA Contaminant Candidate List viruses: removal of coxsackievirus and echovirus using enhanced coagulation. Env. Sci. Technol. 42:18:6890-6896.
Abbaszadegan, M., Mayer, B.K., Ryu, H., Nwachuku, N.
Efficacy of removal of CCL viruses under enhanced coagulation conditions. Env. Sci. Technol. 41:3:971-977.
Straub, T.M., Höner zu Bentrop, K., Orosz-Coghlan, P., Dohnalkova, A., Mayer, B.K., Bartholomew, R.A., Valdez, C.O., Bruckner-Lea, C.J., Gerba, C.P., Abbaszadegan, M., Nickerson, C.A.
In-vitro cell culture infectivity assay for human noroviruses. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 13:3:396-403.
Tong, Y., Mayer, B., McNamara, P. (2016). Biosolids as a Resource: Using Biochar Derived from Pyrolyzed Biosolids to Remove Trace Organic Contaminants. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation. Presented at Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6.
Marklin, R. Jr., Mathison, M., Mayer, B., Nagurka, M., Cariapa, V., Schabelski, J. (2013) Aquaponics: A sustainable food production system that provides research projects for undergraduate engineering students. Conference proceeding. World Engineering Education Forum Annual Meeting, Cartegena, Columbia.
Williams, A.T., Mayer, B. (2013) Advancements in ion exchange processes for municipal wastewater nutrient recovery. Poster presentation. Water Environment Federation (WEF) Technical Exhibition and Conference. WEF Proceedings, Chicago, IL.
(since 2013)
Tong, Y., Mayer, B.K., McNamara, P.J.
(2016) Biosolids as a resource: Using biochar derived from pyrolyzed biosolids to remove trace organic contaminants. WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference. Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6.
Heffron, J., Mayer, B.K.
(2015) Removal of trace heavy metals from drinking water by electrocoagulation. Poster presentation. 2015 AEESP Research and Education Conference. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Mayer, B.K.
(2015) Incorporating short, hands-on activities into introduction to environmental engineering courses to improve active learning. Oral presentation. 2015 AEESP Research and Education Conference. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Tong, Y., Mayer, B.K., McNamara, P.
(2015) Adsorption of micropollutants in wastewater using biochar. Poster presentation. 2015 AEESP Research and Education Conference. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Heffron, J., Mayer, B.K.
(2014) Removal of heavy metals, hardness, and viruses from drinking water using electrocoagulation. Poster presentation. ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Mayer, B.K.
(2014) Phosphorus recovery technology. Invited Webinar. NSF Subcommittee for Studying the Role of National Science Foundation/Mathematics and Physical Sciences in Food Systems.
Mayer, B.K.
(2014) A research overview: microbial and chemical risks in drinking water and nutrient recovery from wastewater. Invited Oral presentation. School of Freshwater Sciences. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Mayer, B.K.
(2014) Viruses as emerging contaminants: treatment and the Contaminant Candidate List. Invited Oral presentation. Emerging Contaminant Short Course. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Mayer, B.K.
(2014) Water Talk: Discussion of water issues around the world and Marquette’s related research. Invited Oral presentation. International Education Week. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Mayer, B.K.
(2014) A research overview: Balancing microbial and chemical risks. Invited Oral presentation. Environmental Engineering Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Mullen, P., Mayer, B.
(2014) Ion exchange for concentration of phosphorus in wastewater. Oral presentation. 29th Annual Conference on the Environment. St. Paul, MN.
Tong, Y., Mayer, B., McNamara, P.
(2014) Fate of micropollutants during nutrient removal using novel adsorbents for dilute wastewater streams. Poster presentation. ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Williams, A.T., Mayer, B., Zitomer, D.
(2014) Nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater using ion exchange and struvite precipitation. Poster presentation. ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Mayer, B.
(2013) Introducing sustainability using a flipped classroom approach. Oral presentation. Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors (AEESP). 50th Anniversary Conference, Golden, CO.
Mayer, B.
(2013) Phosphorus removal. Invited Oral presentation. Wisconsin Wastewater Operators’ Association Joint Southeast and Lake Michigan Districts, Sheboygan, WI.
Mayer, B.
(2013) A research overview: balancing emerging chemical and microbial risks in drinking water treatment, nutrient removal and recovery for sustainable wastewater treatment. Invited Oral presentation. Biology Lab Group. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Williams, A.T., Mayer, B.
(2013) Optimizing regeneration eluate of mainstream municipal wastewater ion exchange columns for ammonium recovery. Poster presentation. International Water Week. International Water Association, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Williams, A.T., Mayer, B.
(2013) Anion exchange process for concentration and recovery of phosphate in anaerobically treated municipal wastewater. Oral presentation. MN Section Conference on the Environment. Central States Water Environment Association, St. Paul, MN.
Challenges and Solutions in a Changing World: A White Paper from the 6th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3). Leipzig, Germany. Sept. 2015.
Closing the Human Phosphorus Cycle: Final Report of the National Science Foundation Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) Workshop. Washington, D.C. June 2015.